Monday, December 28, 2009

Love Meditation - December 28, 2009

The past few days after Christmas, have been very interesting energy.  Energy that swirls and brings up all emotions that have been surpressed and dormant.  Many are being offered opportunities to see new layers that are coming into awareness to be released and to make new choices.  The last few evenings, have offered very vivid dreams.  Dreams so vivid, it is more real in the dream state, than here.  Levels and layers of clearing being completed in the internal dream state and external worldly experience. 

This morning, I was pleasantly awakened by a gorgeous dream with teachers on the other side, offering a theme that is emerging.  'LOVE'.  It was an enveloping love, that cannot be mistaken or put into words.  It just IS.  Foreknowledge that this next year is going to be a LOVE revolution.  A LOVE revolution emerging from the inside out.  Coupled along with the LOVE revolution will be the theme of CHANGE. 

Perhaps you will join me in the following morning meditation (Which may take you 5 - 10 minutes):

Upon rising in the morning, it is best to lay for 5 or so minutes and to envelop yourself in unconditional love and reinforce your aura with this for the day.  Doing so, will transmute so much and offer a different vibration for those seeking a new way, with the change that is affecting them in their interior or external lives.  

In addition, you can choose to meditate and vocalize daily this as well... 
(It is more empowering hearing your own voice stating this out loud):

I _____ choose to meditate (ongoing) for true spiritual awakening and true spiritual evolution in accord with The Creator of All and the desire to be truely guided by Higher Self.  I start today making new memories.  I live my passions and commit to a fully satisfying life each and every day.  When change arises I open up to new possibilities.  I accept love, I recieve love, I freely give unconditional love and I choose to Be Unconditional Love.

Wishing you a beautiful day.

With Love,
TA MA RA xox

Copyright 2009, by TA MA RA xox and/or . This publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system without acknowledging the source of information and reproducing in full without alteration or if alterations are made without the prior written permission of TA MA RA xox

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Emotional Release Technique

Is your INNER reflecting your OUTER?
Everything you see on the outside of you, as an experience, is an accumulation of thought forms coupled with your DNA. In order to transform and move through any situation that brings up triggers or emotion for you, it must be released. It has to everything to do with lightening the densification of form and self mastery of patterns and thought.
Below is a very easy method to apply daily.
You can write down all your triggers throughout the day on paper and use the list when you go within when you meditate.

Emotional Release Technique
Sit or Lay down comfortably.

Visualize the emotional issue(s) as gunk or debris around the heart area, within your physical body. (Some people might see/feel/intuit this as shards of glass or twisted metal, sand, colors etc. imbedded in their heart area.)

Visualize a Yin/Yang symbol directly above/ in front of the heart area about a foot and a half away.

See it spinning clockwise, as it rotates, feel and imagine it pulling the gunk/debris out of your heart area, toward the symbol, that spins like a fan.

Once this gunk/debris is within the yin/yang symbol, mentally transfer it over it to your right shoulder.

See if it has anything to tell you. (Sometimes you will be surprised!)

Thank it for everything you have learned from it.

Forgive it and forgive yourself.

Then see the gunk/debris transforming into dust.

Visualize a flow of air or water, which comes in from your left side, picking up the debris, it circles above your head, carries it away off to the left.

Make the request that this emotional issue/pattern leaves your physical being/energetic field permanently.

~ A combination of techniques from two teachers at Calgary Satsang ~

Copyright 2009, by TA MA RA xox and/or .  This publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system without acknowledging the source of information and reproducing in full without alteration or if alterations are made without the prior written permission of TA MA RA xox

Monday, December 21, 2009

Emotional Release - Pt. 2

Change your life by lightening your vibration and lightening up your life.

Become a conscious creator and live your life through creating something different. 

It is time to become real objective and real conscious with your circumstances, within a neutral standpoint. 

Figure out why your reacting, neutralize your triggers and transcend your old unconscious patterns.

Release your unproductive thoughts, fears and emotions.

Know and see your unfavorable experiences, issues, patterns as they are and release them in the moment. 

Bring a space of forgiveness into the Now. 

You will observe, as you clean out the clutter within, the people in your experience will either leave or your circumstances will change entirely. 

As you emotionally release, you will no longer drag your past behind you. 

The past which has weighed you down and created a myriad of various ripple effects.

You will step into your power, who you really are and who you want to BE.

Copyright 2009, by TA MA RA xox and/or . This publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system without acknowledging the source of information and reproducing in full without alteration or if alterations are made without the prior written permission of TA MA RA xox

Friday, December 18, 2009

Emotional Release, Pt. 1

Over the past few years and my personal journey of going within, it has become very clear how important it is to Emotional Release.

TRUTH: Each individual stores all information within their cellular memory and energetic feild, regarding every thought, action, deed. All individuals store past genetic information that is experienced until consciously released and removed. We also, store simultaneous information otherwise known as past lives, karma, future/multidimensional awareness within ourselves as well.

This can seem or feel confusing, when you believe that you have complete control over your thoughts, actions and experiences. In reality, if you are not fully conscious, other factors have control over your experiences until released. In fact, you have very little control in creating the life you wish to express and programming is expressing itself through you.

In order to become fully conscious, you will have to choose to embark on the journey of going within and individually clean up all the clutter, that is no longer serving your highest good. It may sound overwhelming, when possibly your life is going good at this time, or that you have resigned yourself into accepting your circumstances in life.

However, with the Ascension energies increasing and Galactic Alignments occuring, very little will be unaffected and it is important to have the tools to feel stable in order to experience as much grace and ease as possible.

It is my intent with subsequent blogs to provide clarity surrounding Emotional Release, How-To emotional release and what to expect with emotional releasing.

I look forward to providing you with new insights about the journey within.

TA MA RA xox

Copyright 2009, by TA MA RA xox and/or . This publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system without acknowledging the source of information and reproducing in full without alteration or if alterations are made without the prior written permission of TA MA RA xox

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Great Invocation

From the point of Light
  within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into
  the minds of men.
Let light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love
  within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into
  the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.

From the centre where the
  Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little
  wills of men---
The purpose which the
  Masters know and

From the centre which we
  call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and
  Light work out.
And may it seal the door
  where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and
  Power restore the Plan
    On Earth.

~ Alice A. Bailey ~