Friday, December 18, 2009

Emotional Release, Pt. 1

Over the past few years and my personal journey of going within, it has become very clear how important it is to Emotional Release.

TRUTH: Each individual stores all information within their cellular memory and energetic feild, regarding every thought, action, deed. All individuals store past genetic information that is experienced until consciously released and removed. We also, store simultaneous information otherwise known as past lives, karma, future/multidimensional awareness within ourselves as well.

This can seem or feel confusing, when you believe that you have complete control over your thoughts, actions and experiences. In reality, if you are not fully conscious, other factors have control over your experiences until released. In fact, you have very little control in creating the life you wish to express and programming is expressing itself through you.

In order to become fully conscious, you will have to choose to embark on the journey of going within and individually clean up all the clutter, that is no longer serving your highest good. It may sound overwhelming, when possibly your life is going good at this time, or that you have resigned yourself into accepting your circumstances in life.

However, with the Ascension energies increasing and Galactic Alignments occuring, very little will be unaffected and it is important to have the tools to feel stable in order to experience as much grace and ease as possible.

It is my intent with subsequent blogs to provide clarity surrounding Emotional Release, How-To emotional release and what to expect with emotional releasing.

I look forward to providing you with new insights about the journey within.

TA MA RA xox

Copyright 2009, by TA MA RA xox and/or . This publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system without acknowledging the source of information and reproducing in full without alteration or if alterations are made without the prior written permission of TA MA RA xox

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