Process for clearing when we feel emotionally charged or triggered by a (person, event, place, thing, etc.)
Below is a listing of brain-wave states and their corresponding finger and breath patterns:
Brain Wave State/Represents finger pattern breath pattern
Beta / physical pointer fingers to thumbs in mouth / out mouth
Alpha / emotional middle fingers to thumbs in mouth / out nose
Theta / details,storylines ring fingers to thumbs in nose / out nose
Double Beta / blank state pinky fingers to thumbs in nose / out mouth
(finish with this breath/finger pattern when all is cleared out)
The counts of breath (in using any brainwave state/finger pattern) is always: in 3 seconds out 3 seconds, in 5 seconds, out 5 seconds, in 3 seconds, out 3 seconds, in 1 second, out 1 second then repeat the pattern from the beginning. So it’s reps of 3/5/3/1. Repeat the breath cycles at least 2 or 3 times until you feel it’s cleared. Do the finger pattern and hold it on both hands while doing the corresponding breath pattern.
How to apply the above:
Okay, so you’ve just been triggered by something. Something you saw made you feel upset or angry or elicited a strong emotional response in you. Something someone said or did may have made you emotional or angry, feel a sadness inside etc. or just brought something up in you that you know needs resolved. You can do this exercise at the point when it occurs. Excuse yourself if you can, go to the bathroom if you are among family or friends and you’ve been ‘triggered’ by something. Keep a copy of this in your purse or wallet so you can do it until you get the hang of it. You can wait until later and simply meditate for a moment and recall the event that triggered you and still have an equally effective clearing. The idea here is this current thing has triggered you but we want to go backward and forward in time as well and intend that all that has occurred in any timeline to trigger this response in your body be brought forth for a full and complete clearing. The idea being we want a full clearing of the cellular record of the emotional charge and feeling of it down to a cellular and DNA level as our bodies store memories all throughout our blood and even organs on down to a cellular level. (i.e. in a past life we drowned, in this life we have a fear of water or no desire to learn to swim or go in large bodies of water. This memory is recorded in our cellular record and follows us into other lifetimes until it is dealt with and cleared.)
Okay, so you are either upset now or are recalling the event. Ask that any and all things that have created this response in you through all time, space, dimension, body, mind, spirit, past, present future to come forth now for clearing. Go into the event by closing your eyes and fully feeling it. Relax and breathe slowly, allow yourself to fully feel it and gather how you feel in your physical body, anything you see in your third eye or just how it feels emotionally. Note the data you’ve just received and look at the above chart. Is it emotional, is it physical, is it just storylines or details your heard or saw in mediation? Whatever you find- do the corresponding finger and breath patterns it matches and do at least 3 cycles of the 3/5/3/1 breath pattern. Now, go into the event again, note what you see, feel, hear. Choose the next matching finger pattern and breathe as directed at least 3 cycles. Now how do you feel? Probably mostly physical. It will surface and feel kind of heavy on your body
somewhere (mine is always in my arms, they feel heavy) so do the beta breath and fingers for 3 cycles. Go into it again- do you feel ‘blank slate’ yet? A neutral nothingness yet? Keep going in until you reach this state. Now, you will go in one more time and ‘clear it for them’. Yes, the other being or beings involved in what triggered you. Go in to clear for them and see what you feel/find. Do the breathing/finger pattern until you reach blank slate state again. Now all is clear and you finish with at least 3 cycles of double beta finger and breath patterns. This will make you feel light and floaty and euphoric. Do as many breaths of this as you want to finish. All Clear
Below is an example of a situations I had and how I used this technique to clear it:
I was doing a logo design for a client. I was dealing with her directly and then suddenly she involved her one and only other business partner in the design decisions. The first partner was easy going and happy with many things I was doing with the design. This second party came in and decided to change things up and proceed to complain about everything and anything. This really made me angry! No matter what I changed she wanted it back the way it was and then wanted to change something else. I was about to put my foot down and tell her I was the designer and you couldn’t just change this or that as it would affect the balance of the design etc etc. They were getting the design at a bargain and it was supposed to be kept VERY SIMPLE. Anyway, I was so close to telling them to kiss off! That is literally my first time using this technique as my friend Tamara suggested it. So, here is an example of how I used the technique to clear this and what I experienced:
When I recalled how angry I was after receiving a few complaint e-mails from my clients at work, I meditated on it later at home. “I ask that any and all things that have created this response in me through all time, space, dimension, body, mind, spirit, past, present future to come forth now for a full and complete clearing.” When I went into this event I saw two wolves in my third eye gnashing their teeth at me and threatening to attack me. Huh, perfect- that’s exactly how I felt LOL- like they were a pack of wolves trying to attacking me! This was unemotional for me and therefore what I saw was details/storylines so I did the theta breath/finger pattern for a few cycles. This caused it to surface in my physical body and I then felt it heavy on my arms and so I did the beta patterns for a few cycles of breath. Then I went back into the event and there wasn’t any data- the blank state was reached but instead of going straight to double beta breath euphoria I went into the event one more time to ‘clear it for them too’. When I went into the event for them it was super emotional. I realized they were both hugely nervous starting this new business and were attempting to project/place that anxiety on me. Suddenly their logo had to be perfect etc….. this was emotional so I did alpha breath/finger patterns for a few cycles. Then I felt it physically as heaviness so I did another round of beta. Checked again- blank state. Straight into the finish with double beta to feel light, free and euphoric. All clear J
Another example is a woman I sometimes converse with on the phone at work. Every time she calls my body tenses up and I feel this dread come over me and a little bit of anger b/c I always know what to expect from this woman. Her approach is blaming, accusatory and she can be really nasty. This is just the way this person is- all the time and to everyone so it’ definitely nothing personal with her! I’ve never learned to deal with it, I mean I am courteous to her but she’s just such a back stabber and liar. I loathe every time I have to speak to her. She lies a lot and can never admit a mistake and 99% of the time they are hers but she always calls to check on things jumping on me and my coworkers trying to place blame anywhere but with herself when she screws things up, and I’ll add she screws things up 99% of the time LOL! She’s always moving too fast and unfocused and needs to just slow down a bit, unwind and deal with her work issues and she’d make much less mistakes. The worst part of her is she’ll be the one to make a mistake, blame you for it and then sometimes
she’ll even e-mail or talk to your supervisor’s boss and complain about you- and you didn’t even do anything- it was her! Unbelievable piece of work this lady. Okay, so I did this technique with her. When I went into it I saw cat claws scratching and scratching at me. Yep, this woman lashes out, period. VERY accurate. I did theta for details and then alpha for emotional as this woman can’t help but make anyone mad with her disposition. I had to do theta again b/c I still saw cat claws lashing at me (but not as angrily this time). When I went into it again it was cleared so I went into it to clear it for her. I think I did theta and beta for her as it was emotional and physical for her to act out this way. When all was clear I finished with double beta. Ahhh. That felt good for me to have a tool to clear this out. The best part is, she e-mailed me the day after complaining about something and I didn’t even tense up or get worked up like I used to! My body did not have the same reaction to her. I felt very neutral. I knew what to expect- I looked up her order and it was processed correctly and she was trying to say we screwed up. I was able to respond to her from a very neutral, peaceful place and let her live out her ‘story’ without being a ‘projector screen’ for her any longer and it allows me to live my conscious, responsible life and walk the path of neutrality and peacefulness as I choose. Anyway, this technique can bring a lot of peace to us in these situations and then go a long way to further release us from being triggered by these situations moving forward.
This may seem complicated. It did to me at first. It’s really not. Once you understand the concept, all you need is the chart at the top and breath counts cut out and tucked away in your wallet to refer to. It’s a quick, easy way to clear this ‘programmed’ stuff out of our bodies. It’s a simple but powerful way to more freedom and to assist in the health of our physical bodies.
This technique is credited to Cory Herter /
Copyright 2010, by TA MA RA xox and/or . This publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system without acknowledging the source of information and reproducing in full without alteration or if alterations are made without the prior written permission of TA MA RA xox
Friday, December 3, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
WHAT IF. . .
What if...
From this moment on, we viewed each other
‘from NEW eyes’?
Forget ‘the story’ of who we were.
Create a new story about who we ARE.Right here.
In this Moment.
The Zero Point of liquid light Crystalline perfection.
Permeating and Centered in NEUTRALITY.
NO past or future...
Completely PRESENT Moment-to-Moment.
Would you choose to BE the same story, familiarity?
Or would you re-script and venture out
potentially risking everything?
Leaving All that You were behind.
Delicately and Precisely releasing Garment-by-Garment.
All outer things tossed aside that became tired and burdensome.
Often times with resistance not realizing egotism, materialism has hindered your full potential.
Releasing many INNER layers of sustained beliefs, indoctrinated, upon You.
Patterns, Judgements layered on your Light Body.
Covering up Your Inherent, Sovereign, TRUE ESSENCE.
If you choose to re-script, recognize its as simple as creating your new residence called the ‘Unconditionally Loving and Unified field of NOW.
~ TA MA RA xox ~
Copyright 2010, by TA MA RA xox and/or . This publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system without acknowledging the source of information and reproducing in full without alteration or if alterations are made without the prior written permission of
TA MA RA xox
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Once you understand you are interconnected to EVERYTHING.
You understand the Power You possess.
Everything . . .
Coupled with offering SERVICE to humanity.
What you get back is . . .
LOVE and SERVICE from everything you come into contact with.
What a perfect way to live life and experience life.
Copyright 2010, by TA MA RA xox and/or . This publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system without acknowledging the source of information and reproducing in full without alteration or if alterations are made without the prior written permission of TA MA RA xox
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Meditation Breathing Technique
In a comfortable position, place your attention on your breath. As you do this, push away or remove all thoughts, except focus on your breath. After a few focused breaths, As you inhale, imagine inside your being from your heart chakra area to the area above your solar plexus chakra (underneath and behind your ribcage or around the diaphram you will feel, sense your still point.)
With your inhale breath you will pull down on the breath at the still point area with a feeling similar to a rubber band. With the next exhale you will continue to pull down on the breath while exhaling. I find this back and forth inhale/exhale and pulling like a rubber band technique to be extremely effective in centering and stilling your being and mind in present moment awareness.
and expand the breath and bring in more divine presence. As this is being done, my tongue is on the top of the roof of my mouth. Doing this with the tongue, does produce an interesting sound and the placement of the tongue on the bone in the mouth connects you to the higher centers of your upper level chakras ie. intelligence centers. You can do this for a few minutes or a longer amount of time. It alters your brainwave state, it is important to be stationary as you become in touch with your inner being.
Have fun with this technique, it will increase your presence with yourself, it is simply wonderful!
Copyright 2010, by TA MA RA xox and/or . This publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system without acknowledging the source of information and reproducing in full without alteration or if alterations are made without the prior written permission of TA MA RA xox
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Awake Living Mindful Meditation
As a busy mom and visionary, I want to share with you the benefits of awake living mindful meditation.
To develop your Awake Living Mindful Meditation technique is something that takes patience (in earlier years and perserverance. It is easy to do and be. Within yourself allow a space of observer consciousness, coupled with neutral detatchment and a strong desire to build on deeper presence in the moment of Now. Develop your consciousness to a point where you predominently reside or remains in the Now continuously while Awake. When you notice your thoughts in the Now, those thoughts that are generated at any given time frame is in a space of Now Time, Now Moment, Completely Present. While in this space, it opens you and expands you consciousness to a point where you are able to connect to multitudes of levels of information, otherwise not percieved. My next post will discuss breathing technique as a focal point for the mind. As well as to open the heart centre to bring in more presence.Until then remain in the still clarity of present moment awake, aware meditation.
Copyright 2010, by TA MA RA xox and/or . This publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system without acknowledging the source of information and reproducing in full without alteration or if alterations are made without the prior written permission of TA MA RA xox
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Human Perfection Crystal Grid
This doesn't mean the exchange has to be 50/50. It means that in each moment, all parties and people
involved in the exchange are 100% satisfied with the exchange.
The Human Perfection Crystal Grid is perfectly designed to assist a re-organization to align the person, people, circumstance within a unified field of the crystal grid of which is the highest frequency available to the planet at this time.
When invoking the Human Perfection Crystal Grid you do not have to have any insight into where the problem or imbalance is originating from. All it takes is an innate/inner heart centered knowing that you have a particular issue that requires re-harmonization. As you invoke the re-harmonization of patterning within the grid, prepare yourself to be open to surprises and most certainly change to occur.
A workable example will follow below, from this example it is noteworthy to be open to an interchangeablility, upgrade and shift in perception or experience of your relation to people, circumstances, issues etc. Feel free to replace the following example with anything and all, that your innerly guided to unify through your invocation with the Human Perfection Crystal Grid.
"I command and run my relationship to myself, my relationship to my body, self love, self empowerment, health, my spiritual path and connection to the ONE Source, my
career/work path, my relationship to money, my relationship to my family, friends,
ONENESS through the Human Perfection Crystal Grid. And So It Is Sovereignly and Lovingly declared in the ONE Source light."
~ In deep Gratitude, This information and invocation has been recieved and permitted from a collegue 'Cristina B.' who recieved this phrasing from two galactic sisters ~
Copyright 2010, by TA MA RA xox and/or . This publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system without acknowledging the source of information and reproducing in full without alteration or if alterations are made without the prior written permission of TA MA RA xox
How Do We Free Ourselves?
Release judgment. Judgment aligns with density consciousness. When you release judgment, lack of self love and criticism it aligns with Ascension Awareness. This is a potent understanding and it begins foremost with the recognition of judgments within.
As we judge people and events, we generate separation from the Heart and Divine Flow. Judgment is densification of thought energy, and does not easily allow for growth and transformation. Judgment objectifies the ‘other,’ or the object of the judgment. Judging yourself separates you from you.
Self-judgment establishes an inner polarity. Remember that all judgment wounds…all. Once the pattern of judging is in place, it will apply universally to all things. Judgment will separate you from yourself, from others, and from Divine Flow.
Judgment expressed by those we consider our friends and loved ones usually triggers self-doubt. As you transverse density and make choices to grow, many who are unable to express their appreciation will instead express fear and jealousy through snide comments and jokes. Usually, they will direct their cynicism to the perceived cause of your growth (a personal development course, a book, a teacher, a concept, etc.) rather than honestly share their fear or concern that you may be growing in ways they cannot understand.
Firmly ground yourself in your own opening
(Your heart and not the mind), recognize their fear, and meet them there. Your friend’s reactions are an amazing opportunity to be clear about your choices and not be swayed by their perceptions. Often, they are simply waiting to see if you are truly committed or simply off on a tangent. This is the power of the sincere choice.
We all seem to experience just enough pain and motivation to help us find our way. The universal intent is always pure; it is the distortion of the density world that makes growth a painful experience. We live in a Free Will zone wherein there is no interference from our Angels, Spirit Guides, Higher Self. They will only offer guidance and help to energize outcomes when asked. Spirit always supports our growth while simultaneously respecting our free will. Progression only comes from unrelenting yearning for Union and Connecting personally with Source. This yearning dissolves the ego grip.
Making conscious connection to your Angels, Guides and/or Higher Self (along with 12-D) opens your perceptual field and expands your ability to trust in the nonphysical realms. Remember, non-interference works universally—your Guidance System will not interfere with others. Universal balance will always be. Respect for all paths is universal truth.
Copyright 2010, by TA MA RA xox and/or . This publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system without acknowledging the source of information and reproducing in full without alteration or if alterations are made without the prior written permission of TA MA RA xox
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Multi-Dimensional Release Technique
I would like to talk about a release technique that I use personally, as well as my family use, friends and clients, with good success.
Recently, I was working with a client, who has used the emotional release technique for the past 3 months, with success and yet she intuitively knew there could be a deeper clearing and healing. When she asked me what could assist with clearing her patterns at a deeper level, we used this technique. In which she and others have felt and experienced profound effects.
This technique will bring forth a deeper and broader clearing and release of patterns that exist in all universes, dimensions and genetically within the DNA, as far as seven generations back. As you transform yourself, you will also see changes within your environment and family as you are clearing for the overall patterns that subsequently, affect more than yourself.
This technique is comprised of four parts. Once you have a clear understanding and real life experience with this, it will not take long - a few minutes at most, per pattern being cleared.
In a quiet place, you will have with you on a sheet of paper, the patterns or issues you wish to release and neutralize, pre-determined.
You can choose one pattern at a time or group a few together.
As you bring forth your choice of pattern(s), you will feel, see etc. what the pattern brings up for you, as you place the pattern or bring it energetically through your heart area.
From this place you are ready to say out loud (preferably):
"I ask for forgiveness from all humans and beings, I have affected with ______________ patterns, experiences, thoughts, in all universes, realities, dimensions, life times and this life time."
(When it feels complete you may move on to the next...)
(This is taking into account, that this is not the only lifetime your consciousness is experiencing. Indeed, we are in simultaneous experiences, at once, in the moment of Now.)
I command the removal of the 'experience, energy, thought, pattern' of ____________ from my genetic DNA, immediately, Now.
(Very often you will feel a instant shift, awareness and release at various places where this pattern has lodged or resided within your physical structure.)
I feel grateful for the understanding and experience of ________ pattern.
(Assuming you are now able to come from a higher perspective of uncondtional love, compassion and understanding. That you feel complete with this experience and wish to transcend this limitation, in all other places and time.)
"I forgive, love and honor myself. I choose to transmute this energy, pattern, experience of _________, into uncondtional Love and Harmony. And so It Is"
This is where you take a yin yang sign or fan and blow any and all residue remaining in the heart centre out and away from you into dust. This clears your field of any remaining debris.
This may take a little practice to become accustom to, however, once it becomes familiar, the results are far worth it.
Wishing you Happiness, Peace and Abundance for 2010!
TA MA RA xox
Copyright 2010, by TA MA RA xox and/or . This publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system without acknowledging the source of information and reproducing in full without alteration or if alterations are made without the prior written permission of TA MA RA xox
I would like to talk about a release technique that I use personally, as well as my family use, friends and clients, with good success.
Recently, I was working with a client, who has used the emotional release technique for the past 3 months, with success and yet she intuitively knew there could be a deeper clearing and healing. When she asked me what could assist with clearing her patterns at a deeper level, we used this technique. In which she and others have felt and experienced profound effects.
This technique will bring forth a deeper and broader clearing and release of patterns that exist in all universes, dimensions and genetically within the DNA, as far as seven generations back. As you transform yourself, you will also see changes within your environment and family as you are clearing for the overall patterns that subsequently, affect more than yourself.
This technique is comprised of four parts. Once you have a clear understanding and real life experience with this, it will not take long - a few minutes at most, per pattern being cleared.
In a quiet place, you will have with you on a sheet of paper, the patterns or issues you wish to release and neutralize, pre-determined.
You can choose one pattern at a time or group a few together.
As you bring forth your choice of pattern(s), you will feel, see etc. what the pattern brings up for you, as you place the pattern or bring it energetically through your heart area.
From this place you are ready to say out loud (preferably):
"I ask for forgiveness from all humans and beings, I have affected with ______________ patterns, experiences, thoughts, in all universes, realities, dimensions, life times and this life time."
(When it feels complete you may move on to the next...)
(This is taking into account, that this is not the only lifetime your consciousness is experiencing. Indeed, we are in simultaneous experiences, at once, in the moment of Now.)
I command the removal of the 'experience, energy, thought, pattern' of ____________ from my genetic DNA, immediately, Now.
(Very often you will feel a instant shift, awareness and release at various places where this pattern has lodged or resided within your physical structure.)
I feel grateful for the understanding and experience of ________ pattern.
(Assuming you are now able to come from a higher perspective of uncondtional love, compassion and understanding. That you feel complete with this experience and wish to transcend this limitation, in all other places and time.)
"I forgive, love and honor myself. I choose to transmute this energy, pattern, experience of _________, into uncondtional Love and Harmony. And so It Is"
This is where you take a yin yang sign or fan and blow any and all residue remaining in the heart centre out and away from you into dust. This clears your field of any remaining debris.
This may take a little practice to become accustom to, however, once it becomes familiar, the results are far worth it.
Wishing you Happiness, Peace and Abundance for 2010!
TA MA RA xox
Copyright 2010, by TA MA RA xox and/or . This publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system without acknowledging the source of information and reproducing in full without alteration or if alterations are made without the prior written permission of TA MA RA xox
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