Saturday, January 23, 2010

Human Perfection Crystal Grid

The Human Perfection Crystal Grid supports a mutually appropriate exchange of energy.
This doesn't mean the exchange has to be 50/50.  It means that in each moment, all parties and people
 involved in the exchange are 100% satisfied with the exchange.

The Human Perfection Crystal Grid is perfectly designed to assist a re-organization to align the person, people, circumstance within a unified field of the crystal grid of which is the highest frequency available to the planet at this time.

When invoking the Human Perfection Crystal Grid you do not have to have any insight into where the problem or imbalance is originating from.  All it takes is an innate/inner heart centered knowing that you have a particular issue that requires re-harmonization.  As you invoke the re-harmonization of patterning within the grid, prepare yourself to be open to surprises and most certainly change to occur.

A workable example will follow below, from this example it is noteworthy to be open to an interchangeablility, upgrade and shift in perception or experience of your relation to people, circumstances, issues etc.  Feel free to replace the following example with anything and all, that your innerly guided to unify through your invocation with the Human Perfection Crystal Grid.

"I command and run my relationship to myself, my relationship to my body, self love, self empowerment, health, my spiritual path and connection to the ONE Source, my
career/work path, my relationship to money, my relationship to my family, friends,
lovers, neighbors, community, my relationship to the unified field of unconditional love, harmony and
ONENESS through the Human Perfection Crystal Grid.  And So It Is Sovereignly and Lovingly declared in the ONE Source light."

~ In deep Gratitude, This information and invocation has been recieved and permitted from a collegue 'Cristina B.' who recieved this phrasing from two galactic sisters ~

Copyright 2010, by TA MA RA xox and/or . This publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system without acknowledging the source of information and reproducing in full without alteration or if alterations are made without the prior written permission of TA MA RA xox

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